Fee Structure and Checklist of Trade Unions Act, 1926
Document Checklist
Documents to be uploaded-
(NOTE: e-filing of application, e-payment, e-submission of document is mandatory, No hard copies required, Approved certificates are issued online.)
1. The particulars required under Sec5(1)(c) of the Indian Trade Union Act, 1926(given in the schedule I)
2. The particulars given in the schedule i.e. show the provision made in rules for the matters detailed under sec 6 of the Indian Trade Union Act, 1926
3. The particulars required under Sec5(2) of the Indian Trade Union Act, 1926 (given in schedule II)
4. Undertaking
5. Scanned Signature
6. Resolution of General Meeting/Letter of Authority
7. Address proof of establishment[Copy of Establishment’s rent agreement (if on rent) or Shop's ownership document proof (if owner of establishment)]
8. Affidavit (Declaration Form)
9. Photo ID (PAN Card/Driving License/Aadhar Card/Passport)