The Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Act, 1970 (Principal Employer)
Registration: Application Procedure
1. After landing on the LDMS portal, click on “Establishment Registration” menu icon. Click on “The Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Act, 1970 (Principal Employer)”.
2. Form will appear in the right pane, fill t he form and attach appropriate documents (Refer below mentioned checklist)
3. After completing the above instructions, submit the form and LDMS application number will be generated. Keep it safe it might be required later for retrieving information.
4. If application and attached documents are ok then you’ll get the acknowledgement message from the department on your registered mobile number and email.
5. After payment of prescribed fees, the applicant can download his registration certificate online
Approval Procedure for Registration/Renewal
1. Application shall be received online by the competent authorit y at the department. The competent Authority shall check the application and the documents submitted.
2. If the application is not complete or any document is not legible or not fulfilling the criterion of required document
o The competent authority will seek a clarification from the applicant.
o Applicant shall be int imated about the same through Email/SMS & the clarifications sought shall become visible in the web interface under the application details.
Applicant shall suffice the shortfalls/required information and submit the application.
3. If the application is complete, the concerned authority shall approve it and the user/applicant shall be instructed to pay the fees.
4. User shall login into the system, check the application & click on the “Make Payment” Button. Payment can be done with the help e-mitra or bank gateway.
5. After payment, the citizen will able to download the signed(scanned) certificate from the web portal as well as from the LDMS system using his/her login credentials.
Tracking of Registration/Renewal Application
User may check the current status of his/her application on the home page of his/her login in the listed applications. User may also search the application status by keying in the
Application Number in the text box given on t he top of the page (under the links) & by clicking “Search” Button. Upon clicking the Application Number link, the user will be shown
the details of filled data in non-editable form. Down under, there is a table of “Audit Trail” which displays the reverse chronological list of actions alongwith details (who, when
& what).
Notification/Intimation related to Registration/Renewal
User shall be intimated about the action taken by the department/ Software, periodically, through SMS alerts and emails. User may also check the status online on the web portal
any time, anywhere.
Document Checklist
Documents to be uploaded-
(NOTE: e-filing of application, e-payment, e-submission of document is mandatory, No hard copies required, Approved certificates are issued online.)
1. Address proof of establishment[Copy of Establishment’s rent agreement (if on rent) or Establishment’s ownership document proof (if owner of establishment)]
2. Photo ID (PAN Card/Driving License/Aadhar Card/Passport)
3. Scanned Signature and Stamp
Rules and Regulations for The Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Act, 1970 (Principal Employer)
1. Applicants shall be solely liable for correctness and genuineness of information/uploaded documents in the registration form under the Act.
2. Applicants are advised to check the detailed guidelines and rules before submitting their application as fees once submitted will not be refunded.
3. During amendment if the maximum number of employees changes, registration fee will be taken accordingly in addition to amendment fee.
4. During amendment employer information can be changed only in case of death of current employer or in case the establishment is sold by the employer.
5. No misuse of Act is acceptable. In case of such issue, it will be treated as crime and punishable under law.
6. Rajasthan Labour department reserves t he right to cancel t he registration if the details found at any subsequent stage appear to be fraud.
7. These terms and conditions shall be governed by and constituted in accordance with the Indian Laws. Any dispute arising under these terms and conditions shall be subject
to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Rajasthan.