Hon'ble Chief Minister
Hon'ble Chief Minister
Shri Bhajanlal Sharma

Hon'ble Labour Minister
Hon'ble Labour Minister
Shri Bhajanlal Sharma

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Government of Rajasthan
Labour Department's Web Portal for Online Application for Registration/License, payment & issuance of certificate. Labour Department Management System (Online Application)
Government of Rajasthan
Official Website of Factory & Boiler Department. Factory & Boiler Department
Government of Rajasthan
Ministry of Labour & Employment, Government of India Ministry of Labour & Employment
Government of India


S.No. Notifications Date Download File
1. MinimumWages 2024 13/12/2024
2. MinimumWages 2024 13/12/2024
3. MinimumWages 2024 13/12/2024
4. MinimumWages 2024 13/12/2024
5. MinimumWages 2024 13/12/2024
6. Consumer Price Index 25/11/2024
7. परिवर्तनशील महंगाई भत्ता 14/10/2024
8. परिवर्तनशील महंगाई भत्ता 07/10/2024
9. औद्योगिक विवाद अधिनियम के अंतर्गत दिए गए निर्णय 20/06/2024
10. BOCW JLC Law 13/06/2024
11. BOCW LC 13/06/2024
12. Engineering Wage board notification 11/06/2024
13. राजस्थान दुकान एवं वाणिज्यिक संस्थान अधिनियम 1958 (1958 का अधिनियम 31) के अंतर्गत छूट 15/04/2024
14. Rajasthan Shops and Commercial Act for women 07/03/2024
15. Roadways ko lokopyogi sewa 04/03/2024
16. Industrial Disputes Act Amendment 2023 15/12/2023
17. औद्योगिक विवाद अधिनियम के अंतर्गत दी गयी छूट 13/12/2023
18. औद्योगिक विवाद अधिनियम के अंतर्गत दी गयी छूट 13/12/2023
19. औद्योगिक विवाद अधिनियम के अंतर्गत दी गयी छूट 13/12/2023
20. औद्योगिक विवाद अधिनियम के अंतर्गत दी गयी छूट 13/12/2023
21. औद्योगिक विवाद अधिनियम के अंतर्गत दी गयी छूट 13/12/2023
22. Engineering Wage board notification 11/12/2023
23. Minimum Wages 06/10/2023
24. Minimum Wages 06/10/2023
25. V D A Notification 2023 05/09/2023
26. Minimum Wages 04/09/2023
27. Minimum Wages 04/09/2023
28. Minimum Wages Intentions 2023 31/08/2023
29. Minimum Wages Intentions 2023 31/08/2023
30. Minimum Wages Intentions 2023 31/08/2023
31. Minimum Wages Intentions 2023 31/08/2023
32. Minimum Wages Intentions 2023 31/08/2023
33. Heading Japani Zone ko lokoupyogi sewa 22-08-2023 22/08/2023
34. Roadways ko lokopyogi sewa 14/08/2023
35. Rajasthan IR Code Rules, 2023 (Intention) 23/05/2023
36. Rajasthan Code on Social Security Rules, 2023 (Intention) 09/05/2023
37. Consumer Price Index 02/05/2023
38. Roadways ko lokopyogi sewa 27-01-2023 27/01/2023
39. Japani Zone ko lokoupyogi sewa 27-01-2023 27/01/2023
40. Variable Dearness Allowance payable according to the Engineering Wage Board Recommendations 05/01/2023
41. परिवर्तनशील महंगाई भत्ते (पांच अनुसूचित नियोजन ) 23/09/2022
42. परिवर्तनशील महंगाई भत्ते (बीड़ी और तम्बाकू) 23/09/2022
43. स्थायी श्रम समिति 22/08/2022
44. Contract Labour Advisory Board 22/08/2022
45. Shram Salahakar Mandal 22/08/2022
46. Regarding uploading japanese zone lokopyogi 13/07/2022
47. राजस्थान राज्य पथ परिवहन निगम की सेवाओं को लोकापयोगी सेवाएँ घोषित करने बाबत् 07/07/2022
48. Minimum Wages Notification, 2022 28/06/2022
49. Variable Dearness Allowance payble according to the Engineering Wage Board Recommendations 17/05/2022
50. उत्तर प्रदेश /पंजाब राज्य विधानसभा चुनाव 2022 के दिन संवेतनिक अवकाश 02/02/2022
51. राजस्थान राज्य पथ परिवहन निगम की सेवाओं को लोकापयोगी सेवाएँ घोषित करने बाबत् 07/01/2022
52. Six months extension to All Industrial Units at Japanese International Investment Zone 28/12/2021
53. Application and Certificate Required for Labour Inspector Joining 25/12/2021
54. Appointment Order of Labour Inspector RAS/RTS Exam.2018 25/12/2021
55. Variable Dearness Allowance payble according to the Engineering Wage Board Recommendations 11/11/2021
56. परिवर्तनशील महंगाई भत्ते (पांच अनुसूचित नियोजन ) 18/10/2021
57. परिवर्तनशील महंगाई भत्ते (बीड़ी और तम्बाकू) 18/10/2021
58. ESI Act 1948 to extend the provisions of the Act 01/10/2021
59. VariableDearnessAllowance, 2021 15/09/2021
60. minimum wages notification,2021 30/07/2021
61. Raj Wage Code rules 2021 14/07/2021
62. Variable Dearness Allowance payble according to the Engineering Wage Board Recommendations 07/06/2021
63. कार्यालय आदेश कन्टौल रूम 22.04.2021 22/04/2021
64. Departmental Annual Progress report 2020-21 upload on departmental Website 12/04/2021
65. The Rajasthan Third Party Building & Other Construction Workers Establishment Inspection Scheme 23/03/2021
66. Amendment in notification issued on 14/07/2009 under BOCW Act 1998 17/03/2021
67. Notification Under Rajasthan Shops And Commercial Establishment 1959 11/01/2021
68. Medical Representative Working Hours Notification 09/11/2020
69. औधोगिक विवाद अधिनियम,1947 (1947 का केन्द्रीय अधिनियम संख्या-14) की धारा-2 (VI) 12/10/2020
70. परिवर्तनशील महंगाई भत्ते (बीड़ी और तम्बाकू) Date:-30.09.2020 30/09/2020
71. परिवर्तनशील महंगाई भत्ते (पांच अनुसूचित नियोजन ) 30/09/2020
72. Notification Regarding Power delegated to labour courts 27/08/2020
73. Medical Representative Working Hours Notification Intention 27/08/2020
74. Minimum Wages (Final) Notification 2019 19/08/2020
75. Appointment Of Assessing Officer 15/06/2020
76. Notification related to employees working with establishments registered under Shops & Commercial Act 09/05/2020
77. Notification related to female employees working with establishments registered under Shops & Commercial Act 09/05/2020
78. Notification Under Industrial Dispute Act 1947 21/04/2020
79. office order for control room covid-19 20/04/2020
80. office order for control room covid-19 duty 18/04/2020
81. Notice Factory 17-04-2020 17/04/2020
82. "Regarding counselling of Labour regarding employment during times of COVID-19" 17/04/2020
83. Order regarding directions for Modified Lockdown 17/04/2020
84. Order regarding exemption in Work Hours 11/04/2020
85. Letter for migrant labour information for future strategy formulation during the lockdown 09/04/2020
86. "Regarding arrangements for Child Labour during the lockdown" 03/04/2020
87. GOR SDMA Wages enforcement-1 01/04/2020
88. LC Adnl alternatives Food Wages Tenency 30/03/2020
89. LC Order regarding Lock Down 22/03/2020
90. Notification Under Rajasthan Shop & Commercial Establishment Act 1958 20/03/2020
91. Minimum wages advisory board reconstitute 19/02/2020
92. Amendment Rajasthan Shops And Commercial Establishment 1959 26/11/2019
93. Shop Act Notifications 13/08/2019
94. THE CODE OF WAGES, 2019 08/08/2019
95. Notification Minimum wages intention 07/03/2019
96. परिवर्तनशील महंगाई भत्ते (पांच अनुसूचित नियोजन ) 18/09/2018
97. परिवर्तनशील महंगाई भत्ते (बीड़ी और तम्बाकू) 18/09/2018
98. परिवर्तनशील महंगाई भत्ते 18/09/2018
99. Revised Minimum Wages Effective From 01-01-2018 07/06/2018
100. Appointment of Justic, Labour Court, Kota 16/02/2018
101. Time Limits for Application Registration/Renewal 23/10/2017
102. Labour Service Under The Rajasthan Guaranteed delivery Of Public Services Act, 2011 18/10/2017
103. To revise Variable DA in Tobacco-Beedi Making Scheduled Employments under The Minimum Wages Act, 1948 29/09/2017
104. To revise Variable DA in 5 Scheduled Employments under The Minimum Wages Act, 1948 29/09/2017
105. Revised Minimum Wages Effective From 01-01-2017 03/07/2017
106. Notification Under Payment of Wages Act 12/05/2017
107. Notification Under Rajasthan Shops and Comm. Estb. Act 12/05/2017
108. Replacement of Additional Labour Commissioner, HQ, Jaipur by Labour Commissioner, Jaipur, Rajasthan under The Building and Other Construction Workers 02/05/2017
109. Appointment of Registrar under The Trade Unions Act, 1926 17/01/2017
110. Appointment of Registering Officer under the Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Act, 1970 17/01/2017
111. Appointment of Licensing Officer under The Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Act, 1970 17/01/2017
112. दिनांक 01.01.2017 से न्यूनतम मजदूरी बढ़ोत्तरी आश्य (इंटेंशन ) की अधिसूचनाएं 01/01/2017
113. Appointment of Authority under Payment of wages Act 2016 15/12/2016
114. V.D.A. Linked Six Scheduled Employments Notification 10/10/2016
115. Minimum Wages (Final) Notification Effective From 01-04-2016 05/07/2016
116. Rajasthan workmen's Compensation (Occupational diseases) Rules, 1965 constitute Pneumoconiosis Medical Boards in all district in the state 14/06/2016
117. Consititution of Rajasthan State Unorganised Workers Social Security Board 28/01/2016
118. Minimum Wages Notification 17-12 2015 17/12/2015
119. Repealing of Act under The Rajasthan Shops & Establishments (Employees Life Insurance) Act, 1987 20/10/2015
120. The Rajasthan Shops & Establishments (Employees Life Insurance) Acts 1987 has Repealed Vide Notification No. F 2(49) Vidhi /2/2015 15/10/2015
121. V.D.A. Linked Six Scheduled Employments Notification 01/10/2015
122. Industrial Dispute Act 1947 04/09/2015
123. The Working Journalists and Other Newspaper Employees and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1955 02/06/2015
124. Mentioned Registers and Records in Electronic Form 27/05/2015
125. Appointment of Additional Labour Commissioner and Joint Labour Commissioner under Working Journalist and Other NewsPaper Employees Act 2015 08/04/2015
126. Korean Zone lokopyogi Seva Notification 03-04-2015 03/04/2015
127. Japanese Zone Lokopyogi Seva Notification dated 03-04-2015 03/04/2015
128. Minimum Wages Notification 28-01-2015 28/01/2015
129. Appointment of Cess Collector under The Building and Other Construction Workers’ Welfare Cess Act 1996 22/01/2015
130. Appointment of Cess Collector under BOCWCess Act, 2015 22/01/2015
131. Appointment of Assessing Officer under BOCW Cess Act, 2015 22/01/2015
132. The Labour Laws ( Exemption from furnishing returns and maintaining registers by certain establishments) Amendment Act, 2014 10/12/2014
133. Industrial Disputes (Rajasthan Amendment) Act, 2014 12/11/2014
134. Contract Labour (R&A) (Rajasthan Amendment) Act, 2014 11/11/2014
135. Factories (Rajasthan Amendment) Act, 2014 11/11/2014
136. Appointment Of Commissioner Under Employees Compensation Act, 1923 26/09/2014
137. Minimum Wages Notification 29/04/2013 29/04/2013
138. Notifications under Industrial Employment Act 16/01/2013
139. Rajasthan Shop and Commercial Establishments Act, 1958 Notification dated 07-01-2013 07/01/2013
140. Rajasthan Shop & Commercial Establishment Act 1958 07/01/2013
141. Minimum Wages Notification Dated 06-08-2012 06/08/2012
142. सूचना का अधिकार अधिनियम के तहत राज्य लोक सूचना का अधिकार अधिनियम, 2005 04/11/2011
143. Minimum Wages Notification 27-12-2010 27/12/2010
144. Replacement of Joint Labour Commissioner(IR), HQ, Jaipur by Additional Labour Commissioner(IR), Jaipur, Rajasthan under The Contract Labour (Regulatio 18/12/2009
145. Appointment of Additional Labour Commissioner (IR)HQ,Jaipur Registrar Trade Union Industrial Disputes Act 2009 18/12/2009
146. Appointment of Additional Labour Commissioner (IR)HQ,Jaipur as Registrar Trade Union Trade Union Act-2009 18/12/2009
147. Appointment of Additional Labour Commissioner (IR)HQ,Jaipur as ChiefPlanner under MotorTransportWorkers Act 2009 18/12/2009
148. Formation of BOCW Welfare Board under The Building and Other Construction Workers (Regulation of Employment and Conditions of Service) Act, 1996 27/07/2009
149. Cess Act Appellate Authority Notification dated 14-07-2009 14/07/2009
150. अधिसूचना संख्या एफ.13(7)श्रम/विधि/2009 दिनांक 14.07.2009 14/07/2009
151. Appointment of Registering Officer under The Building and Other Construction Workers (Regulation of Employment and Conditions of Service) Act, 1996 14/07/2009
152. Appointment of inspector under The Building and Other Construction Workers (Regulation of Employment and Conditions of Service) Act, 1996 14/07/2009
153. Appointment of Chief inspector under The Building and Other Construction Workers (Regulation of Employment and Conditions of Service) Act, 1996 14/07/2009
154. Appointment of Cess Collector BOCW Cess Act, 2009 14/07/2009
155. Appointment of Assessing Officer under BOCW Cess Act, 2009 14/07/2009
156. Appointment of Appellate Authority The Building and Other Construction Workers (Regulation of Employment and Conditions of Service) Act, 1996 14/07/2009
157. Appointment of Additional Registrar under The Trade Unions Act, 1926 25/02/2009
158. Self Certification Scheme 11/05/2005
159. Appointment of Inspectors under Maternity Benifits Act,2004 12/08/2004
160. Appointment of Licensing Officer under The Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Act 1970 16/08/2003
161. To Appeal under various Section under The Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Act, 1970 16/08/2003
162. Appointment of Registering Officer under The Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Act, 1970 16/08/2003
163. Appointment of Bonus Collection Authority under Payment of Bonus, Act 1999 25/06/1999
164. Appointment of Appellate Authority under Payment of Graduity Act 1999 25/06/1999
165. Appointment of Appellate Authority under Inter-State-Migrant Act 1999 25/06/1999
166. Appointment of Appellate Authority under Beedi Cigar Workers, Act 1999 25/06/1999
167. Addition of Additional Labour Commissioner and Joint Secretary Labour Commissioner Word under ChildLabour Act 1999 25/06/1999
168. Addition of Additional labour Commissioner and Joint Secretary withLabour Commissioner Word Industrial Disputes Act 1999 25/06/1999
169. Notification u/s 24 EC Act 1923 (LIs to represent Claims) 12/07/1996
170. Appointment of Inspectors under Payment of wages Act, 1996 12/07/1996
171. Appointment of Inspectors under Payment of Graduity Act, 1996 12/07/1996
172. Appointment of Inspectors under Minimum Wages Act, 1996 02/07/1996
173. Appointment of Appropiate Authority under Equal Remuration Act 1985 27/02/1985
174. Notification under Industrial Employment (Standing Orders) Act, 1946 27/01/1983
175. Appointment of Inspectors under MotorTransport Workers Act, 1979 28/02/1979
176. Equal Remuneration Establishements 15/10/1975
177. Rajasthan Shop and Commercial Establishments Act, 1958 Notification dated 12-09-1975 12/09/1975
178. Rajasthan Shop and Commercial Establishments Act, 1958 Notification dated 11-04-1975 11/04/1975
179. Rajasthan Shop and Commercial Establishments Act, 1958 Notification dated 14-08-1974 14/08/1974
180. Rajasthan Shop and Commercial Establishments Act, 1958 Notification dated 13-08-1974 13/08/1974
Registration Procedure Inspection Third party/self certification Abolition of Bonded Labour System (Resource Material)
Registration/Renewal Procedure and Timeline Inspection Procedure Third party Certification
Office Order of LI Madhav GoswamiDiwali Bonus orderLI POSTING ORDERAdditional charge of karauli and chittorgarhAdditional charge of officersLI Work Order Order Regarding LI Khushboo ModiRegarding Last Notice LILabour Inspector Confirmation OrderAppointment Order Of Labour Inspectors 2024Shri Vivekanand saini fixation orderSuspension order of MR. Natvar Singh, Jr. AssistantResult of departmental exam 2024Order For paid leave Loksabha Aam Chunav election day 19-04-2024 and 26-04-2024Regarding Appeal 17 September vishwakarma diwas holidayJunior Assistant Confirmation OrderTermination order of Shri Prakash Chand Saini, LITermination Order of L.I. Priyanka UpadhyayTermination Letter of L.I. Aman GuptaNotice to New Appointed L.I. Shree Prakash Chandra SainiShree Yodhesh Chauhan LI Confirmation OrderRajasthan Bonded Labour SOPJoining Noitice for LI Mr. Prakash Chand SainiNotice to New Appointed Labour Inspector Shri Prakash Chand SainiAdditonal Charge Order of L.I. Shri Budhramwithdrawal of Order of Additional ChargeMan with machine tender 2023Appointment Order of New L.I. Shri Prakash Chand SainiRequirement for Cleaning or Sweeping the OfficeREqurement for computer printer MFP scannerRequirement of Man with MachineCivil List Labour DepartmentAdditional Charge Order L.I. Postअर्धन्यायिक कार्य के आदेश Additional charge ordersCancellation of Transfer Orderनिविदा सम्बन्धी सूचनाExtension Order Of Shri Girraj Meena, StenographerOffice Order of Ministerial Staff Cadre Reorganisation- 202217.09.2022 का सवैतनिक अवकाशBid Cancellation OrderCancellation of Transfer Orderलेबर हेल्पलाइन संचालित करने हेतु निविदा आमन्त्रणTender for Air ConditionerTender for Computer and PrintersTransfer order of Sh. Shankar Lal Balai LIL.I transfer OrderDocument verification of selected candidates for Steno Exam 2018Transfer list of gazette officers Transfer List of Ministerial StaffTransfer List Of Gazetted OfficerFixation Order of Shri Jai Aaditya Kumar, L.I.Termination of Appointment Order of Shri Vinay Kumar Yadav (Labour Inspector)Minimum Wages Notification, 2022Noc_Circular_dated_07/06/2022Extension Order of Vinay KumarTermination letter of Kunal KamraTermination letter of Manohar LalTermination letter of Ajeet Singh RathorLI confirmation orderNotice Of L.I. Shri Vinay Kumar YadavNotice Of L.I. Shri Ajit Singh RathoreNotice Of L.I. Shri Kunal KamraNotice Of L.I. Shri Manohar LalRegardin APAR of Financial Year 2021-221 मई २०२२ को श्रमिक दिवस के उपलक्ष में सवेतनिक अवकाश बाबत Scholarship Date extend till 30/06/2022उत्तर प्रदेश /पंजाब राज्य विधानसभा चुनाव 2022 के दिन संवेतनिक अवकाश Minimum wages intention 2022Notice inviting tender for trained men with machineशुभशक्ति योजना के लंबित आवेदनों के निस्तारण के संबंद मेंApplication and Certificate Required for Labour Inspector JoiningAppointment Order of Labour Inspector RAS/RTS Exam.2018मतदान दिवस पर संवेतनिक अवकाश मतदान दिवस पर सवेतनिक अवकाश Joining Report of Labour CommissionerLABOUR DEPARTMENT OF RAJASTHAN CHILD LABOUR S.O.P 12/10/2021Aachar Sanhita 28/09/2021scholarship date extended 31/10/2021Labour holiday 17/09/2021Minimum Wages Notification 30/07/2021LDC 2018 Appointment orderWages Code Rules 2021Lok adalatमुख्यमंत्री चिरंजीवी स्वास्थ्य बीमा योजनाRashtriya Lok Adalat Dated 10.04.2021.minimum wages notification(Intention),2021Retirement Order Of Labour Inspector Sushma Sharma
Approval Procedure Inspection Checklist Self Certification Schemes
Fees and Checklist Inspection Circular Third Party Agencies
Verify Registration No./License No./Application Status

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Total Received Applications on LDMS : 597,997
Total Pending Applications at Department : 744
Total Applications Pending with Citizen on LDMS : 35,435
Total Disposed Applications on LDMS : 561,818
Total Inspection conducted under new framework on LDMS/RajFab : 5,208
Total Online approval of licenses/certificates on RajFab : 6,923
Total Number of customers e-Mail received : 1,39,487
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